What’s all the buzz about the merger between IBEX Roof and Ridgeline Roofing and what does it mean for their past and future clients? Kirk Koskiniemi, President of IBEX Roof, and Trent Uskoski, Owner of Ridgeline Roofing have decided to pool their resources, knowledge and experience to better serve potential customers in the Portland Metro and Vancouver Washington areas. Long-time acquaintances, Kirk & Trent have collaborated for years on roofing ideas and styles, business ownership and workflow. This merger seems a natural result of those collaborations.
When asked about the acquisition, Kirk said, “We are ecstatic to have Trent join our team. He has been someone in the industry I have admired for a long time. By working together, we will be able to create a much better experience for IBEX Roof and Ridgeline Roofing customers.” Trent now claims the title of Service Manager for IBEX Roof. He will develop and streamline a process for the Service Branch to effectively train employees on better serving our customers.
Trent says, “I’m excited to grow, work on all different types of roofs and work with qualified repair techs.”
Ridgeline Roofing focused primarily on asphalt shingle roofs and Trent looks forward to experiencing the variety of roofing that IBEX Roof offers. Trent also feels “ready to be able to focus on roofing and do what I’m really good at while the office staff can focus on what they are good at.” He wants to reassure his customers that he looks forward to being able to serve them at a greater capacity and with greater manpower in the future.
All in all, Kirk and Trent and the rest of the IBEX team think this merger will behoove all affected. We already see the positive change that this has brought to our company and customers; We anticipate a great working relationship between Kirk and Trent and the rest of our team.