When a homeowner decides to replace their roof, they usually mean ripping out the old shingles and roofing material and replacing them with new ones. Once in a blue moon, though, a “roof replacement” may mean a structural change. That is, adding pitch to a flat roof so that it becomes a sloped roof.
While not very common, homeowners may decide to change the structure of their roof if they have an improperly installed roof or if they want to change the architectural style of their home. If you’ve considered changing the shape of your roof, here are a few options to consider.
Even though we call flat roofs “flat”, there is actually no such thing as a totally flat roof. Otherwise, you’ll experience ponding, which will end up damaging your roof. Flat roofs are any roof under 2” in a 12” slope, and they should still redirect water to a draining system to minimize any standing water on the roof.
If you find that water sits on top of your roof for long periods of time after rainfall, then your first thought may be to build a steeper roof. However, the best way to fix this issue, as well as more wallet-friendly, would be to install a tapered foam system that helps redirect water to your drains. Because the foam pieces come in many different slopes, they can be used to accommodate any roof. Additionally, the foam will double as insulation on your new roof!
Turning a flat roof into a steep roof isn’t a common direction homeowners typically choose, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do. There are a lot more things to consider than simply installing a tapered foam system, though!
The first step would be to consult with an engineer to design a framework for your roof. Then, you need to get a framing contractor to frame up your roof and install new sheathing. Bear in mind that most local laws require homeowners to get a permit when restructuring their roof!
Once your new roof is framed up, you’ll need a roofer to install the shingles on your new roof and install a gutter and downspout system.
If you’re considering remodeling your flat roof into a pitched roof, give IBEX Roof a call. Our mission is to deliver quality roof work to our clients and, depending on what concerns you have for your roof, we’d be happy to help advise you on the best solutions for your home. If your flat roof is experiencing standing water, we’d be happy to create a system that will redirect water flow to your drains. Contact us today to learn more.