Roof maintenance may seem like a lot, but it’s actually pretty easy and budget-friendly to keep your roof well-maintained. This is in contrast to ignoring the state of your roof until an emergency replacement is required – that is often a cost that many homeowners are not expecting to pay! By maintaining your roof, you are maximizing its structural integrity and longevity. Summer time is an easy time to look at your roof and get those small roof chores done. Here are 3 summer roof maintenance tips that are easy and make a big difference in helping your roof last.
Clearing off your roof is a very simple task; so simple that it’s easy to put off until something bad happens! Keeping tree branches trimmed back and clearing away debris from your roof will only protect it from getting damaged. It will also keep your roof clear so that, if there are any problems on your roof’s surface, you’ll be more likely to be able to see it. Clearing away debris build-up in your gutters is also important because your gutters help water properly shed away from your roof. When your gutters are clogged, this can cause water damage to your roof, interior walls, or home foundation – none of which are cheap to fix. So, if there is one simple maintenance rule to follow, it’s to keep your roof and gutters clear.
You may not realize that the state of your attic can greatly affect your roof. Improper ventilation in your roof can lead to some serious roof problems, like condensation or overheating. And these problems can lead to more problems, like mold or mildew growth, wood rot, and wastefully high energy bills. One way for homeowners to determine any roofing issues is by visiting the attic and seeing if there are any unusual drafts, moisture on the walls, or lights shining through open cracks. If your attic is at an unusually high temperature that doesn’t match the outside, that’s also a cause for concern.
Calling your local roofer for a roof inspection is a sure way to check off all your summer roof maintenance boxes. In fact, our roofing professionals at IBEX Roof follow the same comprehensive checklist at every inspection. This ensures that every home gets a thorough evaluation. Some things on our checklist include, but is not limited to:
Essentially, we look at your roof’s structure, material, interior, and workmanship to determine the life of your roof. Once our inspection is over, we will let you know what to do so your roof lasts as long as possible. And, if your roof has reached its end of life, we’ll give you options on the best way to replace it based on how much life is left in your roof and your budget.
Schedule a roofing inspection today by calling the IBEX Roof office at 360-218-3104. You may also want to ask about our roof maintenance services! Sign up for yearly inspections and maintenance and you’ll never have to worry about “getting around to it” ever again.